Loss-in-weight Feeder Principle
In a loss-in-weight feeder, the feeding device with a hopper containing material to be fed is placed on a platform scale or suspension scale weighing system.
Loss-in-weight Feeder Principle is shown as follows.
Loss-in-weight Feeder Principle:
In a
loss in weight feeder, the feeding device with a hopper containing material to be fed is placed on a platform scale or suspension scale weighing system. The weight of the feeding device and hopper is electronically tared.
The bulk material or liquid is discharged from the hopper by the feeding device and the resultant weight loss per unit of time is determined by the weighing and control system. This actual weight loss per unit of time is compared to a desired weight loss per unit of time based upon a desired continuous feed rate setpoint.
Any difference between the actual and desired weight loss per unit of time results in a correction to the speed of the feeding device. When the hopper content reaches a predetermined minimum weight level, the control by weight loss is briefly interrupted and the hopper is refilled.
During the refill period, weight is increasing and the controller regulates the speed of the feeding device based upon the historical weight and speed information that was determined during the previous weight loss cycle.
The loss-in-weight feeder principle is most accurate when using a high resolution, fast responding, vibration immune weighing system combined with self tuning controls
After knowing the Loss-in-weight Feeder Principle, the types of these products also are offered. Loss-in Weight Feeder includes weight-loss metering feeding machine, volumetric, single screw weight-loss metering feeding, double screw weight-loss metering feeding, trace weight loss type feeding machine, etc. If you need loss-in weight feeders, please contact Batte Company.